Beats x Bass x Cologne with NINA BENDER & GOURSKI Bday #MittWochenende

#Beats (Techno): NINA BENDER Kevin Arnold late session: Ventris #Bass (Drum&Bass): Gourski (Bday Set) Jaycut Rebko Barlon Emin Enaly Shutterspeed Experience the pulse of Cologne every Wednesday at "Beats x Bass x Cologne," the city's premier midweek techno and drum & bass rave. Held at Odonien, a unique venue known for its vibrant art and music scene, this event promises an electrifying night with stellar lineups that showcase both local and international talent. Dive into the world of intense beats and immerse yourself in a night of dance and connection. It's not just a party; it's where music enthusiasts gather to celebrate the middle of the week in style​,
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